

Your surgeon determined that a surgical assistant was medically beneficial, and necessary for your procedure. At your surgeon’s request, a surgical assistant from Surgikal Services worked closely with your surgeon to ensure the best possible outcome for you. Surgical assistants help doctors minimize surgical times, which reduces both your risk of infection and the amount of time you are under anesthesia.

As a courtesy to you and your surgeon, we file a claim with your insurance carrier. You will receive an Explanation of Benefits statement (“EOB”) from your insurance company to let you know that they are processing your claim. The EOB is not a bill and may not reflect the final amount due for services; its purpose is to explain what is covered by your insurance company.

You will receive a final account statement from our billing company after we have concluded our efforts in pursuing our claim with your insurance carrier. This statement may include co-pay, deductible and/or co-insurance amounts due as required by your insurance plan. Such amounts may be subject to discounts.

Should you have any inquiries about our services or billing, please do not hesitate to contact us at 866-SURGIKAL (787-4452).

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